Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Coconut Candy

Lunar New Year (heehee my font is in red for luck! :P) is coming up and in honor of that, my mom showed me how to make the yummy coconut candy. (in which I temporarily forgot the name of...) It is very simple, it might me more helpful if you got have a wok at home, but a large pan will work fine. :) 

Here is the recipe:


  • Fresh Coconuts
  • Sugar
  • Food Coloring (optional)

  1. 1. Crack open a coconut CAREFULLY. To my awesome cousins, ask your parents because this can be a little dangerous.....
  2. Cut the white coconut part/meat into medium sized pieces. Then thinly slice them into small-ish pieces.
  3. Put all the coconut into a large wok/pan thing and pour enough sugar to coat all the coconut.
  4. On low heat, stir the coconut and sugar until the sugar has dried.

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